The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This tuning is also useful for cases where you would like to bring the ukulele pitches slightly lower, to fit with certain song keys that benefit from access to these lower notes, or to make it easier to sing along in certain musical keys.Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This ukulele tuning shifts all musical pitches down by one whole tone (two frets), which makes it easier to play music in the key of A#/Bb. The fA#DG tuning is less common than other ukulele tunings, but it still useful in some situations. It is an excellent tuning for playing along to more guitar-based songs. Because of this, DGBE tuning works very well when translating songs and chords between guitar and ukulele. This tuning matches up exactly with the top 4 strings of the guitar in standard tuning. The DGBE tuning, which is sometimes referred to as Chicago tuning, is more popular on some of the larger ukuleles, and is the most common tuning on the baritone ukulele. This tuning was more popular during the 1920s and 1930s, so it will match up better when playing songs from that era. Just like how standard tuning makes it easy to play in the key of C major, this D tuning makes it simple to play in the key of D major. aDF#B - D Tuningĭ Tuning, which uses the notes aDF#B, just takes the original standard tuning and shifts everything up by one whole tone (two frets). This tuning makes it very easy to play in the key of C major, which is a popular song key for a lot of music. This makes it the easiest tuning option for playing along to songs, or when jamming with other uke players. The vast majority of song tabs, chord charts, and other ukulele resources, are written with the assumption of gCEA ukulele tuning. The most popular ukulele tuning is known as gCEA. Each of the four letters of the tuning name denote the corresponding string on the ukulele, starting from the bottom (the string closest to your chest). Tunings denote this with a lower case letter, as in the standard tuning, gCEA. On the uke, the botttom-most string is typically tuned to a note that is higher than the note on the 2nd bottom-most string. It is recommended to use these tunings, but other tunings can be useful for more experimental work. While the ukulele can be tuned to a wide range of notes, there are a handful of commonly used tunings that are recommended for playing popular music.

As long as you are on a device with a microphone (like a phone, tablet, or laptop), you can use our microphone-based tuner above. You will be able to see visually whether the note is either too flat or too sharp, which you can use to adjust the tension of the ukulele string. You can play each string on the ukulele directly into a microphone, which can provide real-time feedback as you play. The simplest method for tuning a ukulele is to use a microphone-based tuner. Below, we'll go through more details of the common ukulele tunings. This is particularly important when playing with other musicians, in order to create harmonies and avoid discordant sounds. Each time you play your ukulele, it is very important to ensure that the instrument is in tune. String instruments like the ukulele have tuning pegs, which can be turned in both directions to either raise or lower the pitch that corresponds to one of the ukulele strings. This process is called tuning, in which the instrument is carefully tuned to specific pitches. All instruments need to be set to exact pitches in order to play music in modern scales.