The researchers were then able to narrow down GhostEzra’s location after he posted about the rising price of gas. While the image posted to Telegram showed only the portion of the picture with the screen, by altering the exposure on the image, Logically’s researchers were able to reveal the rest of the image-which included pictures of Smart’s family lined up above the TV.Ī picture of Smart posted on his wife’s Facebook page shows him standing in front of the same TV. One of the photos showed the Florida Emergency Alerts Systems displayed on a television set. Smart was unmasked by the investigators after he posted several of his own photos through his GhostEzra account. john description enemy surround loose financial reasonable bone fruit court camp error task length r west ghost responsible gear profile motivation cure. In the tradition of English Pub Crawls, your tour guide will lead. Earlier this year a VICE News investigation unmasked a Denver-based chiropractor as the person behind the antisemitic account IET. This unique haunted tavern tour will get you up close and close with the spirits of Calgary. Collection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by Asimov, Jane Austen, Philip K. QAnon is an inherently antisemitic movement, and while the GhostEzra account is currently the most overtly antisemitic QAnon influencer, he is far from the only one. GhostEzra’s Telegram channel currently has over 330,000 followers, while his account on the far-right network Gab has over 113,000 followers. The account has also claimed that Jews are responsible for both world wars and that the people who “identify as Jewish but are not actually even Jews” have a goal of “total world domination and control.” He has linked his followers multiple times to neo-Nazi propaganda, including a 12-hour film that, among other claims, asserts that Jews created communism with a goal of “total world domination.”Īnd as a result, the comments under the account’s Telegram posts now “effectively function as a neo-Nazi discussion forum,” the Logically researchers wrote. The account has made claims about Jewish control of Big Pharma, the media, and central banking. His online accounts show him checking into several evangelical Baptist churches in his area, and his family’s social media accounts are filled with religious images and memes.īut the online persona of GhostEzra, which Smart has crafted since it first emerged in December 2020, is deeply disturbing. Smart also appears to be deeply religious. A little bit here and a little bit there, and it turns into a Venezuela.” WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, is Telegram's closest competitor.In October 2020, Smart attended Donald Trump Jr.’s Fighters Against Socialism tour “with his Colombian wife and their small son,” and was quoted in the South Florida Sun Sentinel about the dangers of socialism: “It starts small. He added that people "no longer want to be held hostage by tech monopolies," an apparent reference to WhatsApp's changing its terms of service.

The vast majority of new users were from Asia, Europe and Latin America, he said. There's little indication that pro-Trump extremists make up a sizable proportion of those users. On Tuesday, Durov posted that Telegram had passed 500 million monthly users, with 25 million of them having joined in the previous three days.

Parler's future remains uncertain, and its CEO has publicly doubted whether it will return. But Apple and Google recently removed the Parler app from their app stores, and Amazon Web Services, which hosted the service, kicked it off, saying it violated its terms of service. In 1928, four years after he had left Paris to make his home in Rapallo, Italy, Ezra Pound announced in his short-lived magazine, The Exile: Quite simply: I. Some conservative users had flocked to Telegram from Parler, a Twitter-like platform regarded as a safe haven for right-wing speech. Twitter banned more than 70,000 accounts that pushed QAnon conspiracy theories, and it and Facebook have banned Trump's accounts, citing fears that he will use them to incite more violence. Those efforts were accelerated after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol last week, however.